9 05, 2023

We remain ONE

2023-05-31T18:12:37+00:00News, People of the OCG, Testimonies|

The main thing is that we are ONE! Experience deeper harmony in marriage and family and move mountains at home - is that possible? Irina reports on her experiences … My children and I were very excited and touched by the vision from the practice days. It is the perfect training field to grow together more, to discover new gifts and to find a deeper UNITY as a family and in marriage.

9 05, 2023

“Expectation in faith creates facts”

2023-05-31T18:10:49+00:00News, People of the OCG, Testimonies|

In 43 years of work, in which I was sick less than one month in total, I had received my first sick leave in November 2018. In the second one, I was "down to the bone" and also already had burnout symptoms. What I had suppressed for a long time, caught up with me and on the advice of my loved ones, I had myself medically "checked out".

18 03, 2023

Millennium of Peace

2023-03-18T13:42:17+00:00Evaluation, Ivo Sasek, News, Testimonies|

For thousands of years we have known from prophecy that a “Millenni-um of Peace” will come. From the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come … on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10) we learned that this kingdom is not going to be in heaven, but on earth. Since the whole universe, according to the Holy Scriptures, is breathlessly awaiting this highly esteemed “Millennium of Peace”, then how has it happened that we Christians have made everyone believe that “going to heaven” is our highest aim? In fact, all the heavens yearn to come down to earth!

28 01, 2023

Experience of God

2023-05-31T18:11:37+00:00News, People of the OCG, Testimonies|

Right now, in my personal quiet time with the Lord, I proclaim, "Jesus! I am the willing body of the perfect Head!" and go to work with this attitude. But at the latest, when it starts to pour down rain during a big transport with all kinds of "delicate" goods, I realize how quickly I am not really the calm body of the perfect head anymore ...

25 10, 2022

Returning to what I already am

2023-03-02T08:17:54+00:00News, People of the OCG, Testimonies|

In the message "Collective Maturity" Ivo says about this: "When the Bible talks about 'rebirth', it means: You have to recover, accept what is already in your cradle as a child. You just have to return to what you already are." (See Titus 3:15) Instead of looking back at the past and feeling guilty about all my mistakes, I am now practicing to return to what God put in me from the beginning: His divine maturity, His divine nature.

19 08, 2022

Become like the children

2023-03-02T08:18:32+00:00New values, News, OCG families, OCG Youth, Sasek Family, Testimonies|

On May 28, 2022, we were able to experience a wonderful online Friend's Meeting. The motto of the day was "Collective maturity". Dad spoke a lot about children in one part, how they have all the maturity – like a „germinating seed“ - in them. Jesus says it in Mark. 10:15 like this: "... Let these little children come to me, do not resist them! For to such belongs the kingdom of God." ... belongs! - Not: "... such will recognize ..."! Not: "... such will one day ..."! "To such belongs the kingdom of God."...

20 06, 2022

Suddenly it’s so easy

2023-03-02T08:19:08+00:00New values, News, OCG families, People of the OCG, Sasek Family, Testimonies|

Time and again, mothers ask me about our six children: at school, kindergarten or on the playground. They come with many questions and want to know how I do it. They already can't cope with their one or two children and are at their wit's end. What must it be like with six children? That's why I'm telling you a little bit about it.

2 06, 2022

I can’t, but I WANT to …!

2023-03-02T08:20:09+00:00Friends Meeting, New values, News, OCG families, People of the OCG, Sasek Family, Testimonies|

Elias and I became happy parents of a second sweet daughter, on January 22, 2022. For me it was the biggest and at the same time most beautiful change so far 😊. But since Janice Levia's arrival, I just couldn't manage my household, the OCG concerns and all the other work at all. At least not in the way I wanted...

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