4 07, 2024

Small flower buds

2024-06-12T20:41:03+00:00News, OCG Youth, People of the OCG, Sasek Family, Testimonies|

When mommy came into the room later, we told her with a beaming face that we had argued, but then sang “Will du do obä” ("Because you are up in heaven"), hugged each other and then had “peace in our hearts” again. Mummy was so happy and so were we. Since then, we have always sung this song very loudly when discord has come in, and then peace immediately returns!

19 08, 2022

Become like the children

2023-03-02T08:18:32+00:00New values, News, OCG families, OCG Youth, Sasek Family, Testimonies|

On May 28, 2022, we were able to experience a wonderful online Friend's Meeting. The motto of the day was "Collective maturity". Dad spoke a lot about children in one part, how they have all the maturity – like a „germinating seed“ - in them. Jesus says it in Mark. 10:15 like this: "... Let these little children come to me, do not resist them! For to such belongs the kingdom of God." ... belongs! - Not: "... such will recognize ..."! Not: "... such will one day ..."! "To such belongs the kingdom of God."...

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