
Become like the children

Newsletter article by Noemi, 32 yrs.

On May 28, 2022, we were able to experience a wonderful online Friend’s  Meeting. The motto of the day was “Collective maturity”. Dad spoke a lot about children in one part, how they have all the maturity – like a „germinating seed“ –  in them. Jesus says it in Mark. 10:15 like this: “… Let these little children come to me, do not resist them! For to such belongs the kingdom of God.” … belongs! – Not: “… such will recognize …”! Not: “… such will one day …”! “To such belongs the kingdom of God.” However, this wonderful childlike BEING is again and again “attacked” strongly by many different influences and unfortunately buried with time in many people. So the children should be preserved, promoted and protected in this wonderful BEING … And we „big“ ones may be transformed again to this “being a child” according to Mt. 18,3: “… if you are not transformed and come to a new existence for yourselves, as it were, like little children, you cannot be saved.”

I myself have been entrusted with four small, wonderful children … And how often I am amazed and think to myself that I can really learn something from them, when I see and experience how they are … 🙂 For example, we were sitting at the breakfast table and Daniel (2 yrs) just had “trouble” eating his crust of bread because he had already eaten away the soft part from the middle 🙂. I spoke to him briefly, on the side, saying, that maybe he might need to go into his room for a minute to turn around in his little heart Then I continued to tend to the other needs at the table. After a minute or two, when I had already forgotten what I told him, Daniel nudged me and said, “Mommy, I room!” Then he went into his room, snifflling and very concerned. It didn’t take ten seconds for the door to open again, and he jumped up to me, beaming, and said, “Mommy, I good again!” He then happily ate his crust of bread 🙂… Yes, his childlike being teaches me that you can turn around very quickly – without long processes 🙂. the children are a great example in this to me anyway 🙂. Every time they go into their room, if something “scratches”, it does not take long and we’ll hear a long-lasting, fervent prayer that can be heard all the way into the living room: “Jesus, I want to be sweet again and NOT argue anymore, be sooo sweet and share! Jesus, this is YOUR body, YOUR hands, YOUR hair, YOUR nose, YOUR nails (fingers/foot) … 🙂 YOU live in me and YOU help me …!” etc. Every time I have to smile. That’s how I may do it and become, be, like the children 🙂 . That’s why I remember in my moments where things start to become negative inside me, for example because certain situations challenge me: NOW is the moment when I may be childlike and small, simply speak out freely like the children: „I become “master” in this situation – it comes to rest! I do NOT close myself to the challenge, but now open my heart VERRRY WIDE, that YOU LORD can work on me and through me, and DO EVERYTHING FOR THE BEST … EVEN THIS CHALLENGE … Here is YOUR body – I WANT to go along with YOU … etc”.And although outwardly actually no circumstances have changed, afterwards I am just as free, cheerful and full of faith inwardly that everything is coming to rest – like the children 🙂 … and everything is also starting to turn around quite practically! How wonderful 🙂.

Let us allow ourselves to be inwardly “small” again, needy, joyful and free, like children, to live with our God and to expect HIM within us at every moment!


Your Noemi

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