OCG Youth2023-02-25T08:17:18+00:00

OCG Youth

Lifelike and close to the heart, children and young people tell about their lives and how they live out the sermons of Ivo Sasek and the OCG in everyday life. Exciting and refreshing to read – an encouragement to fearlessly trust in God in everything.

407, 2024

Small flower buds

4. July 2024|

When mommy came into the room later, we told her with a beaming face that we had argued, but then sang “Will du do obä” ("Because you are up in heaven"), hugged each other and then had “peace in our hearts” again. Mummy was so happy and so were we. Since then, we have always sung this song very loudly when discord has come in, and then peace immediately returns!

2706, 2024

Seized by the current

27. June 2024|

I can experience that it IS POSSIBLE to flow uninterruptedly in this glorious stream of life! You are filled with joy from head to toe and there is not a single second of lack! But only in this said stream of life...

2006, 2024

Praying for the others

20. June 2024|

Kosima was no longer well and almost fell ill, like many others at school. That evening, as we lay in bed, I put my hand on her head and prayed that she would get well again very quickly. Then I prayed for the others. And the next day, Kosima was healthy 😊

1306, 2024

I AM the new world

13. June 2024|

In this issue, even children and young people show you how they live and apply the new world in their everyday lives! When everyone starts to BE the new world, it grows further and further and faster and faster.

403, 2024

The lost shoes

4. March 2024|

It was the first day I could go to kindergarten. In the morning, when mom got me ready in time, we noticed that I only had one each of my sandals and sneakers left...

Mehr zu “OCG-Jugend”

Buch: OCG-Jugend

Oratorien der Familie Sasek

Der Junior-Ölbaum: OCG Zeitschrift für Kinder und Jugendliche


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