13 04, 2023

Organism – Divine Navigation in the Here and Now

2023-04-13T12:23:32+00:00Commitment, Evaluation, event, Ivo Sasek, News, Schulung, What is OCG?|

Organic life - what is meant by it and is it possible at all? Ivo Sasek explains how a living human organism works and talks about the core principles and experiences of the Organic Christ Generation. Where egoistic individualism is transformed into mature individuality and the view beyond one's own nose shows that we need and depend on each other, that is where organic life begins. But how is it possible to work together as a big human family? Here you get an answer to it ...

18 03, 2023

Millennium of Peace

2023-03-18T13:42:17+00:00Evaluation, Ivo Sasek, News, Testimonies|

For thousands of years we have known from prophecy that a “Millenni-um of Peace” will come. From the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come … on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10) we learned that this kingdom is not going to be in heaven, but on earth. Since the whole universe, according to the Holy Scriptures, is breathlessly awaiting this highly esteemed “Millennium of Peace”, then how has it happened that we Christians have made everyone believe that “going to heaven” is our highest aim? In fact, all the heavens yearn to come down to earth!

28 01, 2023

Experience of God

2023-05-31T18:11:37+00:00News, People of the OCG, Testimonies|

Right now, in my personal quiet time with the Lord, I proclaim, "Jesus! I am the willing body of the perfect Head!" and go to work with this attitude. But at the latest, when it starts to pour down rain during a big transport with all kinds of "delicate" goods, I realize how quickly I am not really the calm body of the perfect head anymore ...

18 12, 2022

Perverted Justice – United Duty

2023-02-21T10:28:27+00:00event, Ivo Sasek, News|

First Ivo Sasek explains why healthy organs do by no means guarantee a healthy functioning body, then he reveals hidden connections about why, despite serious Corona crimes being reported worldwide, no justice system has so far really bothered to prosecute the "reported arsonists" - but many of those who have "reported" this "fire" have been persecuted.

25 10, 2022

Returning to what I already am

2023-03-02T08:17:54+00:00News, People of the OCG, Testimonies|

In the message "Collective Maturity" Ivo says about this: "When the Bible talks about 'rebirth', it means: You have to recover, accept what is already in your cradle as a child. You just have to return to what you already are." (See Titus 3:15) Instead of looking back at the past and feeling guilty about all my mistakes, I am now practicing to return to what God put in me from the beginning: His divine maturity, His divine nature.

1 07, 2022

Wakpa, The River

2024-02-03T13:34:47+00:00Friends Meeting, News, OCG Youth, People of the OCG, Sasek Family, Songs|

Wakpa means "river" in the Lakota Indian language. It symbolizes the nature of our life. Like the river, we spring from a source and have a great purpose. The river pushes forward steadfastly, overcoming every barrier, watering, changing and giving life to its surroundings. Realized with breathtaking images, indian instruments and recorded by a Lakota Native American, this song wants to call us all to be a part of this change ourselves.

9 06, 2022

COLLECTIVE MATURITY – International Friends Meeting 2022 (with Ivo Sasek)

2023-03-09T20:03:17+00:00Commitment, event, Friends Meeting, Ivo Sasek, News, People of the OCG|

This 3-part presentation by Kla-TV founder Ivo Sasek is a “must-see” for all those who long for perfected humanity in its entirety. The inexhaustible potential of true humanity is unleashed here. Religious and philosophical blockades are overcome, and real dispositions innate in all of us are awakened to new life. With connections from 51 countries, the online conference reached more people than ever before. Embedded in a lovingly prepared supporting program with live transmission in 8 languages, this day became an unforgettable event for every viewer!

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