What we speak has much more power
Grandpa told us at the Friends Meeting that God's strongest “arrow” against evil is the spoken word. What you say, happens! Our word now has much more power than ever before. I have experienced that.
Grandpa told us at the Friends Meeting that God's strongest “arrow” against evil is the spoken word. What you say, happens! Our word now has much more power than ever before. I have experienced that.
I would like to tell you something about my homework. For me, homework is often like a big mountain and then it takes me a long time ... But all of a sudden I got so much joy out of it - and suddenly it worked. :-) How did it work? Please read on!
I had a very bad stomach ache and it got worse and worse. Dad and mom were worried and said that we should go to the hospital to check my appendix. But I was so afraid of the hospital that I didn't want to go. We prayed (like Elisa) and then I also saw, like the servant, that I could just go. Then everything went well and now I'm completely healthy again! I am so glad that I can always pray. Because the army in heaven is much bigger than anything that scares me!
What Ruth can no longer put into words, she tries to put into a melody. A melodious piano piece entitled “Only with You” speaks of her life experience that you can't really trust anyone but God. He is the best friend and the true home!
Kosima was no longer well and almost fell ill, like many others at school. That evening, as we lay in bed, I put my hand on her head and prayed that she would get well again very quickly. Then I prayed for the others. And the next day, Kosima was healthy 😊
In this issue, even children and young people show you how they live and apply the new world in their everyday lives! When everyone starts to BE the new world, it grows further and further and faster and faster.
I've always felt like a little lamb that doesn't know which way to go but is constantly being gently nudged towards the source by the ewe (God). Just when I stuck my head under the fence again, that gentle nudge came again...
In this new newsletter, many other children and young people tell you real experiences from their everyday lives and what moves them. A big THANK YOU to everyone who shares their experiences with us. Because if you have already forgotten it, others can benefit from it.
It was the first day I could go to kindergarten. In the morning, when mom got me ready in time, we noticed that I only had one each of my sandals and sneakers left...
This summer, many new children joined us in the first kindergarten group. They are caterpillars, and I have now become a "butterfly" (that's the big ones in the second year of kindergarten). I really enjoy being a role model in kindergarten...