The lost shoes
It was the first day I could go to kindergarten. In the morning, when mom got me ready in time, we noticed that I only had one each of my sandals and sneakers left...
It was the first day I could go to kindergarten. In the morning, when mom got me ready in time, we noticed that I only had one each of my sandals and sneakers left...
This summer, many new children joined us in the first kindergarten group. They are caterpillars, and I have now become a "butterfly" (that's the big ones in the second year of kindergarten). I really enjoy being a role model in kindergarten...
A lot of people tell me that I'm a "bright spark". I can also make my siblings laugh quite well. Dad and mom say that I'm a "happiness hormone" (I don't know what that is, but I think it's something great 😊).
To hold up the staff means to do the same as Moses did at the sea. BEFORE the sea was parted, or the impossibility dissolved, he first had to hold up his staff in FAITH. Only THEN did this amazing miracle happen and the sea parted!
On May 28, 2022, we were able to experience a wonderful online Friend's Meeting. The motto of the day was "Collective maturity". Dad spoke a lot about children in one part, how they have all the maturity – like a „germinating seed“ - in them. Jesus says it in Mark. 10:15 like this: "... Let these little children come to me, do not resist them! For to such belongs the kingdom of God." ... belongs! - Not: "... such will recognize ..."! Not: "... such will one day ..."! "To such belongs the kingdom of God."...
Wakpa means "river" in the Lakota Indian language. It symbolizes the nature of our life. Like the river, we spring from a source and have a great purpose. The river pushes forward steadfastly, overcoming every barrier, watering, changing and giving life to its surroundings. Realized with breathtaking images, indian instruments and recorded by a Lakota Native American, this song wants to call us all to be a part of this change ourselves.
I'm really excited about Friend's Meeting 2022! 😊 Here is an electrifying quote: "The highest enjoyment in life that you can experience is the uninterrupted flowing along, observing, speaking together with, and acting at the same time - just going along with God simultaneously, with the mature Spirit that works in you. And I tell you, there is no higher feeling of life, there is no higher profit than exactly this direct connection upward."
There are times when you feel alone and isolated, threatened and afraid. But this song faces all our enemies and shows what you are entitled to now more than ever.
Celebrated as a hit by thousands of viewers from over 40 countries: "Light breaks through the night". A masterpiece of the daughters of Ivo Sasek. Composition: Ruth-Elpida Sasek with Panorama Film Orchestra. Vocals: Anna-Sophia Bühler-Sasek.