The lost shoes
It was the first day I could go to kindergarten. In the morning, when mom got me ready in time, we noticed that I only had one each of my sandals and sneakers left...
It was the first day I could go to kindergarten. In the morning, when mom got me ready in time, we noticed that I only had one each of my sandals and sneakers left...
A lot of people tell me that I'm a "bright spark". I can also make my siblings laugh quite well. Dad and mom say that I'm a "happiness hormone" (I don't know what that is, but I think it's something great 😊).
Just recently, I remembered a lesson from my childhood: when my siblings and I had a fight, Mom would come to us and tell us about a "Divine Store". A supermarket that has everything! Whenever I realize I can't do something on my own, I can go to the Lord and exchange it with HIM. ...
On May 28, 2022, we were able to experience a wonderful online Friend's Meeting. The motto of the day was "Collective maturity". Dad spoke a lot about children in one part, how they have all the maturity – like a „germinating seed“ - in them. Jesus says it in Mark. 10:15 like this: "... Let these little children come to me, do not resist them! For to such belongs the kingdom of God." ... belongs! - Not: "... such will recognize ..."! Not: "... such will one day ..."! "To such belongs the kingdom of God."...
Time and again, mothers ask me about our six children: at school, kindergarten or on the playground. They come with many questions and want to know how I do it. They already can't cope with their one or two children and are at their wit's end. What must it be like with six children? That's why I'm telling you a little bit about it.