4 07, 2023

“The Power from His Rhema”

2024-02-03T13:42:46+00:00News, OCG families, People of the OCG, Testimonies|

I'm sure you know that situation where you are faced with an important decision in your life and do not know which is the right way. If you are not alone in such a situation, but together with someone (e.g. as a couple), it is usually not easier, because often there are two opinions, which is now the "better" way. How good, when you're not helpless in this situation, but know that God has a rhema (current word) in every situation.

2 06, 2022

I can’t, but I WANT to …!

2023-03-02T08:20:09+00:00Friends Meeting, New values, News, OCG families, People of the OCG, Sasek Family, Testimonies|

Elias and I became happy parents of a second sweet daughter, on January 22, 2022. For me it was the biggest and at the same time most beautiful change so far 😊. But since Janice Levia's arrival, I just couldn't manage my household, the OCG concerns and all the other work at all. At least not in the way I wanted...

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