“You are gods!” –
Even more so in lousy circumstances!
Newsletter article by Stefanie, 30 y.
It is so wonderful that more and more people are networking with each other and that as a result we can exponentially increase our joint clout in the area of exposing media lies and many other things. But what saddens me time and again is the following fact: when it comes to lending a practical hand with this, many people still apologize profusely, report on all their problems and hardships, and then sink back into their holes of lousy circumstances. Sentences like: “I just… had such a difficult childhood … don’ have a job at the moment … have difficulties in the family … It’s not working for me at the moment because … etc.” are part of the standard explanation or excuse.
Just recently, the Lord gave me an illustration lesson regarding this problem with our little daughter Tiffany. She will be one year old in a few days. She got her first two teeth when she was six months old and the top four didn’t take long in coming. The last of the six is currently causing her the most distress, so that the affected area turned blue at least twice. Besides this, there were always other little situations that didn’t go so well and made her impatient. I often felt really sorry for her, so I didn’t want to admonish her. I said to myself: She’s having a rough time right now … The teething pain is probably bothering … She slept badly today … She slipped. … The meal is later than usual, etc. There was always a circumstance to justify the impatience of my little Tiffany.
Increasingly, though, it became more troublesome with her and unfortunately, despite comfort and caresses, she became more and more tearful and fussy. The otherwise so sweet and cheerful laughter disappeared almost completely from her little face. In the evenings, I often lay in bed exhausted and didn’t know how to make our little one happy again, let alone find the strength for our second baby, who is growing so wonderfully in my tummy and (by the grace of God) will see the light of day at the beginning of February 2022. I must be doing something wrong, but what?
In an exchange with Elias I got a glimpse of light about the actual problem: I justified the behavior of our little one simply too strongly with the prevailing circumstances and thus missed going into what was actually the power pulling down, the causes and effects. In the end, not only was Tiffany downtrodden under her lousy circumstance, but I was too. And the downward spiral increased steadily.
Now more than ever, I understand how it is that people constantly justify their state of mind with their bad circumstances and don’t get off the ground: It already starts here in small things. It does Tiffany no good if I spare her too much in her bad circumstances.There will always be bad circumstances! Sooner or later I won’t be able to save Tiffany from the problems of life anyway – does she then have the necessary equipment – the tools, to deal with these circumstances? Or will she then wait, as she did when she was little, until someone else comes along and saves her from them?
As preached by my father-in-law, Ivo, in his last public conference, those who *accept – *acknowledge * – *apply their true nature are sons of God, that is, gods.
The secret of these divine beings – gods is their own weakness (= lousy life circumstances) and therefore their excessive greatness and strength in God. The weakness (lousy life circumstances) of these gods is not their downfall, but FIRST of all, this is the entrance/the passage into the perfection of God!!!
So during our current family vacation, Elias and I began to claim this potential for ourselves. It began with the inner decision within us, with targeted admonitions and small consequences, which our little one already understood perfectly – for example, that she only gets food when she has become quiet. When she was calm, there was also enough time for tenderness. While at the beginning of our family time Tiffany sat almost a little emotionless in her stroller, having forgotten how to “bitti”[1] or go potty, these and even more “buttons” loosened in an instant.
After only a few days, the normally very shy Tiffany was waving to all the resort staff, watching to see who would respond to her wave. All those who returned her cheerfulness became her friends, whom she smiled at again and again. She also learned from her biggest fan “Sama” how to distribute air kisses. An absolutely sweet sight
Elias finally called her “Queen of the Bitti”(„saying please“) , because she now already clapped her little hands together herself without our words and happily repeated it several times while eating.Our Tiffany became so cheerful again and the sweet smile had returned to her little face – despite tooth number six poking.
This gives me courage: we don’t have to wait until someone redeems us from our lousy circumstances, but through these situations we learn to act like divine sons of God: We accept our true nature and finally act with this tremendous potential, which until now has only been sleeping dormantly within us. For we have been lying long enough in the dust of our lousy life circumstances.
Best regards
with Elias, Tiffany-Charise and baby no. 2
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