
The army in heaven

by Dana F., CH (9 y.), July 2024

I read something in the quiet time and I wrote it down: Elisha’s servant was afraid when he saw the soldiers who were around the city. Elisha then prayed and said, “Lord, open the servant’s eyes”, even though he had already seen. He had not yet seen the army in heaven. Suddenly he saw the army in heaven looking after them. Then he was no longer afraid at all. Then Jesus made all the soldiers down by the city blind. Then Elisha and his servant could simply walk through the city, because all the enemy soldiers were blind.

I also had a situation where I was afraid, like the servant of Elisha. I had a very bad stomach ache and it got worse and worse. Dad and mom were worried and said that we should go to the hospital to check my appendix. But I was so afraid of the hospital that I didn’t want to go. We prayed (like Elisa) and then I also saw, like the servant, that I could just go. At the hospital, the doctor said that I had to be operated on quickly because my appendix was inflamed and swollen, and that was very dangerous …

Then I got scared again like the servant and cried. But mom prayed and talked to me, and I also prayed in my heart the whole time when I was afraid again. Suddenly I also saw “the army in heaven looking after me” and the fear was gone again. The host of heaven also looked after dad and mom so that they didn’t have to be afraid.

Then everything went well and now I’m completely healthy again! I am so glad that I can always pray. Because the army in heaven is much bigger than anything that scares me!

Your Dana ♥

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