
Our wish for a child

by Thomas & Julia T. (D, 31y. & 26 y.)

We have been married for four years now and from the beginning we had a great desire to have children. Unfortunately, it did not work out as we had imagined and wished. Getting pregnant in itself was not so easy and when it did work out, our dreams were shattered again after twelve weeks at the latest.

After the third miscarriage, the doctors then told us that we had no chance of having children if Julia did not have her benign tumor on the uterus surgically removed. If we were to go along with this, we would have to put our family plans on hold for about a year. But at this zero point we noticed that the Lord has another way for us. We felt that we can put our trust in the Lord and not in an operation. However, at the beginning we did not have the courage to put 100% on “this horse” and asked God for a sign as confirmation. The surgery was then already scheduled, but a short time later Julia got a middle ear infection. At the worst point, when we didn’t know what to do, we became ONE in the decision not to have the surgery. From that moment on, the middle ear infection disappeared.

So we put our trust COMPLETLY in the Lord and placed our desire to have a child in His hands. Exactly one month later we got pregnant again and this time everything went well and we have had a healthy baby in the meantime and can hardly believe our luck. Although all our doctors had predicted a premature birth and various complications, the natural birth was more beautiful than we could have ever imagined. We were able to remain in a divine peace, through til the end, and God provided us with the best midwives and a very empathetic doctor to accompany us during the birth. The whole birth was a miracle. HALLELUJA!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!

We would like to encourage you all to stay tuned and respond to workings of the Spirit. We often don’t know what wonderful effects they can have on our lives if we have the courage to act on them.

Sincerely greeting you,

Thomas & Julia with Amalia Taynara Jane

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