Introduction to the Junior Oil Tree July 2024, by Boasa-Jachina S. (20 y.)
Dear children and teenagers!
During our vacation we found a totally sick baby hedgehog. It was lying in our woods and was completely covered in ants. I quickly brought it home. I have never seen such a cute little animal. It was lying there exhausted and breathing heavily. Now I did everything I could to get the little hedgehog back on its feet. I immediately took this tiny creature into my heart and firmly believed that it would get better! But … it wasn’t very long before the little heart stopped beating. At that moment, my little world collapsed, because all the blows of fate that I had already experienced lined up in front of me! I saw death, destruction and evil everywhere … I went before the Lord and laid before Him everything that had just collapsed over my head. Every situation where I didn’t understand the meaning behind it, I laid out before Him. I had a profound revelation!
My thoughts rose up inside: Boasa, our goal has always been one thing: God should increasingly become EVERYTHING in EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING in EVERYONE. HIS reign here on earth! Do I know how HE wants to do that? Am I in charge of how He becomes everything in everything and everything in everything? Do I have to understand everything and be able to fathom down to the last detail what has to happen? No! My only task is actually to rest in HIM and give HIM all the glory, because He is the ONLY one who sees all the way to the end and knows the plan! Starting in everyday life, I am allowed to go step by step with His effects and learn to reign over death in miniature. Because everything we want to achieve on a large scale has to start on a small scale!
That’s when I found peace again! In this issue, you will find many examples of this “little everyday life” from various children and young people. They give us an opportunity to look behind their four walls and see how they live with God in practice and transform every difficult life situation – or even every death. I wish you much inner profit!
From the bottom of my heart,
Yours Boasa
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