Divine shopping center
Newsletter article by Salome W. (19 y.)
Just recently, I remembered a lesson from my childhood: when my siblings and I had a fight, Mom would come to us and tell us about a “Divine Store”. A supermarket that has everything! Whenever I realize I can’t do something on my own, I can go to the Lord and exchange it with HIM.
So I always imagined a veeeeery big shopping center, where you really can find EVERYTHING!!! Every form of power and abundance I never have within myself! So gigantic! And the best thing is: It’s a “New World” supermarket, so I do not even have to pay anything . So I went to this divine store every day and gave the Lord my unkindness to my siblings, for example, and exchanged it for a loving and sensitive heart. This was always soooo unbelievably fun and I became a hundred percent regular customer in this store
Well, I’ve had a lot going on again lately. For example, I had a huge mountain of things to learn before my final written exam. At the beginning it was really fun, but at some point it felt like the mountain was going to roll over me. Suddenly the stress came in and I was totally overwhelmed. Exactly there, I was able to realize that the thoughts, “This is too much!” or “I’ll never make it!” were draining my strength away. So I went to this “Divine Supermarket” and exchanged the stress and the small faith for divine calmness and trust in HIM. As soon as this unbelief wanted to attack me again, I knew immediately: Stop! I am just limiting myself! And suddenly I had sooo much joy again and everything went easier than ever before!!!
I wish you these moments of neediness too, again and again. It is such a wonderful feeling to realize, I need HIM! It is so fulfilling and moving, if I only sense HIM! I would even say, there is not a more beautiful feeling in this world! He has such a amazingly wide and loving heart, that I may come to Him with everything . NOTHING is too difficult for Him. When you really understand what that means, you are unstoppable in every situation – because HE is there. I want to encourage you to go to Him in every powerlessness – go to this divine shopping center and just trade it in. It’s an incredible joy, it’s the MOST beautiful shopping center you could ever visit . And on top of that, everything is free!!!
Heartiest greetings
Your Salome
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