
Small flower buds

from Tiffany and Janice S., CH (3 and 2 y.), April 2024

Our mommy didn’t like it at all that the two of us – Tiffany and Janice – kept taking things away from each other while playing. But Jesus told her that she can believe in us, that HE doesn’t have to fight in us. And shall we tell you something … Jesus can really do that in us! The two of us were playing in the room, but then discord broke out because we both wanted the same game pieces. From then on, it wasn’t nice at all and it got worse and worse until we were both crying. Mommy heard and wanted to join us. But then she waited and firmly believed that we could make peace AGAIN. Suddenly we remembered a song by Aunt Anna-Sophia1 that we had learned with Mommy a few days ago. We just sang it together:

„Will du do obä im Himmel
und i mim Herzli bisch,
chan ich Mami folgä,
ich han dich gärn!“

(Because you are up in heaven and in
my heart, I can obey mommy, I love you!)

We hugged each other tightly when we said “I love you”. From then on, peace returned and Mummy could hear our joy all the way down to the kitchen. When mommy came into the room later, we told her with a beaming face that we had argued, but then sang “weil du do oben”, hugged each other and then had “peace in our hearts” again. Mummy was so happy and so were we. Since then, we have always sung this song very loudly when discord has come in, and then peace immediately returns!

Maybe you can try it out yourself?

Your Tiffany and Janice (with Mommy)

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